

We will advertise your brand on the social media, billboard, flex, local marketing etc.

We captured yours well enough, didn’t we?


ur advertising strategies kick more ass than a six-legged robotic ass-kicking machine with the "kick-ass" dial set to eleven.  

We time and target our ads so accurately they make the act of dart-throwing across an abyss during a meteor shower while balancing on a tightrope and juggling hot potatoes look pathetic.

Advertising Services:

  • Billboard Adverising
  • Standees Adverising
  • Social Media Advertising
  • LED Screen Advertising
  • Local Market Or International Market Advertising
Giving startups the architecture to win the digital game.

Photo by Daniel Olah on Unsplash

Photo by Minimography on Pexels

Photo by Minimography on Pexels

Photo by Minimography on Pexels


hether your target audience are the kind of people who spent 25 hours on social media every day, or the sort of adrenaline-obsessed lunatics who don’t even use their phones because they’re always out doing crazy shiz like climbing up rockfaces in the middle of nowhere or jumping out of planes for the hell of it – we’ll steal their attention and give it to your brand.